I Am Not A Risk. I’m Healthy, Happily Married And I Cannot Pass On HIV

A insightful and powerful article by Ian Green, CEO of  the pioneering Terrence Higgins Trust which is the second largest AIDS organizations in Europe a U=U Community Partner and the world’s leader in communicating the groundbreaking news. Ian says, “We need to completely reset the way we think about HIV as a society.”

“My doctor has told me that I am ‘undetectable’ and that this means I will live a long and healthy life. But he’s never proactively informed me that means I’m uninfectious – I, like many others with HIV, have learned this through reading about the PARTNER study and speaking to experts within the sector.  If our own healthcare professionals aren’t telling us this, for now it’s up to charities and individuals to spread the word.”

Follow THT’s new campaign #CantPassItOn, and read more on HuffPost.