Tez Anderson
San Francisco / CA - AmbassadorTez Anderson has lived with HIV since 1983. He founded Let’s Kick ASS—AIDS Survivor Syndrome in 2013 with the mission of “empowering HIV Long-Term Survivors (HLTS) to thrive.” LKA was the first nonprofit by, for, and about HLTS, an overlooked population. Tez coined the term “AIDS Survivor Syndrome (ASS)” to describe the psychosocial ramifications of surviving the AIDS pandemic.
He started the annual June 5 HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day in 2014 (HLTSAD.org) to bring attention that leads to action. By issuing a year-long call to action about improving survivors’ quality of life while highlighting the resilience and strength of people living longest with HIV/AIDS.
Tez is recognized for shining a new light on a forgotten unique population—HIV Long-Term Survivors. He consultants on numerous HIV and Aging projects. They include SAGE USA’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition (HAPAC), developing national and state policies, and the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC’s) HIV & Aging Expert Advisory Committee (EAC). He is also on the CDC’s Medical Monitoring Project (MMP). He is a founding member of San Francisco’s HIV and Aging Working group for San Francisco’s Long Term Care Coordinating Council (LTCCC), advising the Mayor and City on policy, planning, and service delivery issues for older adults.
A writer, speaker, and longtime HIV/AIDS activist. In 1990 he disclosed his HIV-positive status in People magazine. (HTTP://bit.ly/TezAIDS) He’s appeared in documentaries for the BBC, BBC2, Channel 4 TV (UK), as well as ABC’s 20/20. Tez is the subject of a ten-minute documentary for NBC’s TODAY Show that aired on World AIDS Day 2018 (HTTP://bit.ly/TezAIDS). He has been a guest twice on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross (1992 & 2000).
He has written for Time magazine, POZ, and other publications. He has twice made on the POZ 100 of activists making a difference.
Learn more at https://LetsKickAss.hiv and https://HLTSAD.org, https://tesanderson.me, @TesAnderson // https://twitter.com/TezAnderson