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AUSTRALIA: Oz joins global push to enshrine U=U on HIV

Australia has become the fourth nation to sign a global declaration that undetectable HIV is untransmissible HIV, almost four years after the “U=U” policy was cemented in our national HIV prevention guidelines.

The movement to spread awareness of U=U began in 2016 with the Prevention Access Campaign in the US, and now spans over 100 countries. In Australia, peak bodies ASHM, NAPWHA (National Association of People with HIV Australia) and Health Equity Matters have led the advocacy.

The information provided on Prevention Access Campaign is intended to support rather than replace consultation with a healthcare professional. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment about your particular situation.

Prevention Access Campaign is fiscally sponsored by Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs, a 501 (c) 3 public charity, and formerly by Housing Works.

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