Keyword: statement
State of New Jersey World AIDS Day Proclamation, 2020
Alabama Public Health: “Undetectable = Untransmittable: An effort to end the HIV epidemic”
“Joint Statement: The Ministry of Public Health of Thailand, UNAIDS and WHO”
Oregon Health Authority: “OHA endorses campaign to eliminate new HIV infections, stigma”
National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSDDC): SUPPORTING U=U & SEXUAL HEALTH A Statement by National Coalition of STD Directors formally endorsing U=U
World Health Organization (WHO): “Viral suppression for HIV treatment success and prevention of sexual transmission of HIV”
“The science related to the use of ART as an additional prevention tool is clear: there is no evidence that individuals who have successfully achieved and maintained viral suppression through ART transmit the virus sexually to their HIV-negative partner(s). The preventive benefits of ART should be appropriately emphasized in HIV treatment and prevention programmes.”